My Keewinaw Nature Pics

Two random little pics of what the campus looks like

Two aerial pics of Michigan Tech

Wadsworth Hall in the winter, this was my dorm for 4 years

The portage canal, Tech is right next to it

Nice rainbow across the Portage

The northern lights

A river

A nice field with some wildflowers

Breakers, break-wall and lighthouse, beautiful spot on Lake Superior, also good for parties

Icy Lake Superior at Breakers

A snowy beach on Lake Superior

First snow of the year, the last week in September (YES SEPTEMBER!)

Last snow of the year, the first week in May (YES MAY!)

Devon and his crazy jeep fun

Fall Colors

More Fall Colors at Brockway

Superior from Brockway

The cliff edge at Brockway


The beach at Redridge

Beautiful sunsets in the area

Crashing waves at Copper Harbor

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